![Theatre arts class](/careercenter/careereducationmajors/files/theatre-arts.png)
Careers in Theatre Art Production
Use the links and videos on this page to consider options in this field. For career advice taking your educational goal, interests, personality, skills, and experience into consideration, drop in at the Career Center or make an appointment with a Career Counselor. For specific course planning, see an academic counselor.
SBCC Offerings
Use this comprehensive website to see varied areas of employment and get strategies on how to succeed in the theatre arts field. In particular, scroll to "Behind the Scenes" and the "Business" areas.
Use this robust database with career descriptions, salaries, education needs to research jobs in arts, media, and entertainment (use filters at top to refine search). In particular, see the range of occupations related to the stage, and also costume attendants, and make up artists
Eureka: Use this powerful interactive tool to explore majors, schools and careers. Create your own account using the SBCC site ID code: VUOHNDU. You can also find comprehensive major overviews, including links to majors at UC and Cal State schools and see "related majors" and "related occupations," or explore by occupation areas of interest.
Consider doing an information interview, job shadow, or internship with a local employer. Visit the Career Center to get suggestions on how to get started!